
That's not my Jesus

Yesterday, I returned to Temple Square after a two week hiatus. Josh and I have kept busy and managed to make time for one more visit before I move to Payson (that's tomorrow, by the way). A mutual friend of ours came with us (you rock, Kira) and the three of us set out to again be reminded of the chokehold that Mormonism has on its followers. This was my third time there and I think I'm finally beginning to get sick of it. The first two times I went, I was blown away by the huge arsenal of religious propoganda that is wielded by those in leadership. This time, I was heartsick. These people, especially the ones who are gung-ho about the Church, are some of the most pitiable people that I know. Their hearts and minds are enslaved to a religion that will not only prove unfulfilling, but will also put them on the short path to a place that is far from the heaven they imagine it to be.

I think at times that I get a little lax in my thoughts towards other religions. Even yesterday, I sat and listened to the spiel and found myself shutting down. And that's why I think it's important that I went. The experience, while sickening, served to reawaken me to the hardcore truth that these people are just like me, except they're lost - totally and completely lost without any hope at all. The thing that makes it so surreal for me is the revisionist type of history that they are promoting. They have taken what really happened to them in the Midwest and have made it seem entirely unfounded. I often wonder what would happen if they would just come out with the truth. Maybe their church would be stronger as a whole. Maybe it would disintegrate.

The day, on the whole was enlightening. Josh and I discussed our differing viewpoints (West/East; FSB/ABC; Utahan/Flordinian - props to you, Miller; and other various and sundry views) and we came to the conclusion that we both have learned from each other and have profited immensely from each others company. I like the guy a whole lot. He's definitely not afraid to have fun (i.e. get into a random argument about the fast lane - I think he won by forfeit, I'm not sure). I have thanked the Lord for putting us together this summer. Even though today is my last official day with him, we will still have plenty of time to hang out over the summer at camps and stuff. I'm stoked. It's gonna be good.

I'll update later once I get moved in to Payson.

Until next time remember . . . "Goldilocks: it's Skcolidlog spelled backwards."


Starten up da shield!

Well, here it is. The first post on my new blog. Interesting, huh? I bet you're thinking, "Wow, this is so interesting, I might go have some more cheesy bacon tuna fish on pumpernickel bread." I know I would think that if I thought this were interesting. And I do. So 'scuse me whilst I make myself a cheesy pumpernickel bacon tuna fish sandwich.