
Coming Up for Air

Okay, okay, so it's been a few weeks...or a few months maybe. Sorry about that, but I did get married, you know. My question would be, "How are YOU doing?" I haven't heard from you in just about as long.

Speaking of marriage...it's been almost six months! Can you believe it? I sure can't - the time has flown by and we're just getting started with this whole lifelong thing. My good friend, whose name I won't mention here (Tommy Jeffcott), said to me one time, "You know, Nathan, I really enjoy the chord sequence I-ii-V," which had absolutely nothing to do with marriage. But he also said that once he was married, two things happened. First, it seemed like he had been married forever - it was just natural. Second, he said that once you go there, you can never go back.

I'm going to have to agree with my unnamed friend on both counts. Vanessa and I were discussing a couple of days ago how effortless the transition was from really really really good engaged friends to being really really really good married friends. (It was only effortless if you don't count the ceremony - that took some effort.) Occasionally, I will here people say something like, "Relationships are not fun...Marriage is not cool..." and other derogatory remarks regarding marriage. My only response to them is something like, "Get over it man, you haven't even tried it, it's the best thing ever," etcetera.

Seriously though, I'm sorry I haven't kept in better contact. We're sort of just coming up for air for the first time, and so I'm getting to that whole communication thing slowly but surely. Bear with me for now, and you will be rewarded later (that sounded sinister, or maybe just weird).



1 comment:

Merri said...

Oh, I am so glad to see you back blogging again. I have missed reading it. Glad marriage is going so great...we sure are fond of it!! :) 5 plus years, 3 kids (almost!), where does the time go? You will see. Can't wait to see you all again next year.